Global College Participating on Regional Clubs Championship Organized By Ethiopian Volleyball Federation 2024
It is obvious that our team (Global College Ambo Volleyball Team) was the only club participated on the Regional Clubs Championship Organized by Ethiopian Volleyball Federation representing our region Oromia. The team reached for the final stage of the competition. Therefore, we would like to congratulate our team, Global College Communities and our fans for ranked 2nd on the Regional Clubs Championship cup organized by Ethiopian Volleyball Federation & lifted the Cup that was prepared for Fair Play & the team ranked 2nd. Wearing the colors of our community, you not only played the game but painted a masterpiece of triumph. Besides, our team is qualified for the Premier League. Bravo! What a victory and an achievement! As obvious, we have full hope & confidence that you are going to win the Premier League Trophy and make us happy!
Ammas irra Deebiin Baga Gammaddan! Baga Gammannee!
Akkuma beekamu, Gareen Kubbaa Saaphanaa Kolleejjii Keenyaa Shaampiyoonaa Kubbaa Saaphanaa Feedeereeshiniin Kubbaa Saaphana Itiyoopiyaa qopheesse irratti naannoo keenya, Oromiyaa bakka bu’uun Kilabaa tokkicha hirmaata turee ta’uun isaa ni beekama. Dorgommii kananiis, tapha xumuraa Waancaaf qaqqabee ture. Haa ta’u malee, gareen keenya, tapha xumuraa taphachuun sadarkaa 2ffaan xumuree, waancaa amalaa gaarii fi garee 2ffaan xumureef qopha’ee argatee jira. Kanaafuu, Kolleejjiin keenya garee Kubbaa Saaphanaa keenyaa, hawaasa fi jaallattoota Kolleejjii keenyaa maran irraa deebiin baga gammaddan! baga gammannee jenna. Dabalataanis, gareen Kubbaa Saaphanaa Kolleejjii keenya gara piiriimeerliigiitti guddatera. Milkaa’ina fi injifannoo hanga ammatti galmeessitaniif galatooma isaaniin jechaa, gara fulduuraattis tapha piiriimeerliigii hirmaannuu irrattis injifannoo boonsaa galmeessuun abbaa wancaan ta’uun akka nu boonsitan amanamummaa fi abdii guddaa isin irraa qabna.

Kolleejjiin Giloobaal Deeggarsa Nyaata Barattootaaf Ruuzii 200kg fi Zayita Nyaata 20 Litira Qarshii 23,000n bituun Deeggarsa taasisee jira. “We are dedicated to serve our community!”

Kolleejjiin Giloobaal guyyaa qaama miidhamtootaa sababeffachuun Waajjira Dhimma Hojjetaa fi Hawwasummaa Aanaa Ambootiif Deeggarsa Taasise
Kolleejjiin Giloobaal guyyaa qaama miidhamtootaa sababeffachuun Waajjira Dhimma Hojjetaa fi Hawwasummaa Aanaa Ambootiif Deeggarsa uffannaa huccuu qorraa yookiin uffata halkanii 40 Qarshii 32,000n bituun namoota qaama midhamtootaaf Deeggarsa taasisee jira. “We are dedicated to serve our community!”

Kolleejjin Giloobaal Deeggarsa Hidhannoo Ispoortii Qarshii Kuma Dhibba Sadiifi Kuma Soddoman Bitee Aanolee 17 fi Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Amboof Gumaacha Taasise!
==========================================================================================Akkuma beekamu Kolleejjiin Giloobaal Amboo,yeroo hunda hojii barnootaa qulqullina qabu dhaloota biraan ga’uun cinatti hojiiwwan qorannoo fi kenna tajaajila hawaasaa keessatti adda durummaadhaan kan hirmaataa tureefii ammas ciccoomina cimaan hirmaachaa jiruudha. Kunoo guyyaa har’as (Sadaasa 29, 2016) galma Hoteela Abbaabeech Mattaafariyaatti Deeggarsa Hidhannoo Ispoortii aanoolee 17 godina Shawaa Lixaafi bulchiinsa magaalaa Ambootiif bakka bulchaan bulchiinsa godina Shawaa Lixaa, hoggansi Godinaa, Kantiibaa magaalaa Amboo fi hooggansi Magaalaa Amboo, Ittigaafatamaa Dargaggoofi Ispoortii Godina Shawaa Lixaa, Ittigaafatamaa Dargaggoofi Ispoortii bulchiinsa Magaalaa Amboo, Bulchiitoota Aanoolee, Ittigaafatamaa Dargaggoofi Ispoortii aanoolee deeggarsi taasifameef, Abbootii Gadaa, Jaarsoolii biyyaa, Garee Kubbaa Miillaa Hacaaluu Hundeessaa, hoggantootni Kolleejjii Giloobalii fi keessummoonni kabajaa garaa garaa argamanitti deeggarsicha gumaachee jira. Ittigaafatamaa Dargaggoofi Ispoortii Godina Shawaa Lixaa, obbo. Misgaanaa Kabbadaa hirmaattota saganticharratti argamaniin baga nagaan dhuftan jechuun kaayyoon sagantichaa hirmaattotaaf himanii jiru.Haaluma kanaan, obbo. Misgaanaan kolleejjiin Giloobaal gumaacha adda addaa yeroo gara yerootti gumaachuun Ispoortii keessatti lafee dugdaa ta’uun ga’ee leencaa taphachaa jira jechuun kolleejjii kanaf galata qaban ibsaniiru.
Itti ansuudhaniis, kabjamoo obb. Daraajjee Baqqalaa, Piresidaantiin kolleejjii Giloobaal gama isaaniitiin kolleejjiin kun guyyaa hundeeffama isaa irraa eegalee hojiiwwaan kenna tajaajila hawaasaa fakkeenyummaa guddaa qabu dalagaa akka ture ibsuun kan guyyaa har’a kun xiqqaa yoo ta’e malee waan guddaa miti jedhaniiru. Dabalataaniis obb. Darajjeen kan jedhan hawaasa kanaaf hojjeechuu caalaa wanti nu gammachiisu tokkollee kan hin jirre ta’uu himuun gara fulduraattis kana caalaa kolleejjiin keenya cimee hojii hawasummaa gurguddaa hojechuuf karoora guddaafi bal’aa ta’e qaba jedhan.
Dhumarrattis, haasaa cufiinsaa fi ergaa walii galaa kan taasisan bulchaan bulchiinsa godina Shawaa Lixaa, obb. Didhaa Guddataa akka jedhanitti Ispoortii deeggaruun fayyaa hawaasaa bal’aa deeggaruudha jedhan.
Itti dabaluun, kantiibaan Magaala Amboo, Obb. Acaaluu Gammachuus akkas jedhan: Ispoortiin, fayyaa keenyaaf ijoo dubbiiti jechuun Ispoortii Hawaasaa yookaan Mass Sport Magaalaa keessatti murteessaadha. Kanaafis, Bulchiinsi Magaalaa Amboo xiyyeeffannoo guddaan irratti hojjachaa jirras jedhu. Kolleejjiin Giloobaal Kolleejjoota Magaalaa Amboo keessa jiran keessaa kolleejjii fakkeenya guddaa ta’edha jedhan. Kolleejjoonni biroos muuxannoo irraa fudhachuun hawaasa isaanii tajaajiluu akka qabanis dhaamaniiru.
Kolleejjiin Giloobal Inveestimeentiif lafa Gamoo irratti ijaaratanii hawaasa Amboof naannooshee tajaajilan yoo gaafatan ni kenninaaf jechuun waadaa galaniiru jiru.
Global College has Donated Sports Wears to 17 Woredas of West Shewa zone and Ambo Town Administration.
It is obvious that Ambo Global College has been providing quality education for the generation and several Community Engagement Activities based on research from the date of its establishment. As of today (December9, 2023), the college is donating sports wears to 17 Woredas of West Shoa Zone and Ambo town at Abebech Metafaria Hotel Hall at the presence of West Shoa Zone Administer, Mayor of Ambo Town, Sports and Youth administration of West Shoa Zone, Sports and Youth administration of Ambo town, Woredas’ Administers, Head of Sports and Youth administration of the woredas, ‘Abbaa Gadaas”, Community elders, Hachalu Hundessa FC members and different honourable invited guests.
Sports and Youth administration of West Shoa Zone, Mr. Misgana Kabada has warmly welcomed the participants and explained the objectives of the program. Accordingly, Mr. Misgana said that Global College has been doing very exemplary Community Service Activities so far for our people and particularly supporting the sport activities in our Zone by playing lion shares and acting as a backbone for sport and for these huge contributions, we would like to thank & give recognition to the college today.
Furthermore, the college’s president, Mr. Dereje Bekele, stated that since its founding, the college has carried out a number of excellent community engagement initiatives. Our college’s current community service project, which is one of the few but not the best, is providing sports apparel to our woredas and Ambo town. Nothing makes us happier than giving back to the areas in which we reside, Mr. Dereje continued. Therefore, we intend to carry out a number of important community service projects for the local communities in the future.
Finally, in the closing speech Mr. Dida Gudeta, West Shoa Zone Administer said that Sport is for healthy and love and supporting sport activities are supporting and keeping the communities health!
Besides, Mr. Achalu Gemechu, mayor of Ambo town said that Sport is very crucial for our healthy and supporting such activities are of paramount. Therefore, I would like to thank Global College for their special support. Our town has given special attention to mass sport and we are doing our best on it. Mr. Achalu added that Global college has been doing so many exemplary community engagement activities for our town and West Shewa zone at large. Therefore, other institutions in our town and zone should learn such blessing activities and conduct community services for their communities. Mr. Achalu with his final remark promised that if the college present its request keeping all the necessary steps of investment, Ambo town administration is ready to provide land to the college to build attractive building with which the college services Ambo town, West shewa zone communities and our people at large.
“By Office of Public Relation, Global College”

Baga Gammaddan Gareen Kubbaa Miillaa Haachaaluu Hundeessaafi Jaallattootni isa! Baga Gammanne Giloobaal Koolleejji!
Akkuma beekamu Kolleejjiin Giiloobaal Amboo, garee kubbaa miillaa Hacaaluu Hundeessaatiif waggaa waggaan Ispoonsara ta’uun maaliiyaa,T-Shartii, Kubbaa akkasumas, waldorgommii gareewwan Fayyaa Kubbaa Miillaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Ambootti geeggeeffame irratti wantoota kanneen akka nyaataa, dhugaatiifi wantoota barbaachisan mara ispoonsara gochuun cinaisaanii dhaabbateera.
Haalumakanaan, waldorgommiin gareewwan Fayyaa Kubbaa Miillaa Hagayya 07/2015 irraa kaasee gareewwan 12 hirmaachiisuun geggeeffamaa ture guyyaa har’a Sadaasa23, 2016 gareewwaan lama xumuraaf qaqqaban garee Haacaaluu Hundeessaa fi garee Amboo 04 geebaaf morkachuun, gareen Hacaaluu Hundeessaa 2 fi 0 garee Amboo 04 injifachuun abbaa geebaa ta’ee jira. Kanaafis kolleejjiin keessaniifi keenyaa gammaachuu daangaa hin qabneen guutameejira.
Sirna cufiinsa geebaaf taphatamu kanarratti kan argaman Kantiibaan Magaalaa Amboo Obbo Acaaluu Gammaachuu dabalatee keessummootni adda addaafi deeggertootni bakka argamanitti haala ho’aadhan xumuramee jira. Ispoortiin fayyaa fi Jaalaalaaf kan jedhan IG Spoortii fi Dargaggoo bulchiinsa magaalaa Amboo Ob. Mo’eeraa Daanyaachooyoo ta’an,tapha gareewwaan ji’oottan darban keessa taphatamaa turan jajjabeessssuun fuula duraaf dhalootni cimsee itti fufuu qaba jedhan.
Dhumarrattis, qaamoolee milkaa’ina waldorgommii garee Fayyaa tapha kubbaa miillaa keessatti karaa adda addaan gahee isaanii ba’atan galateeffatanii jiru. Akkasumas Koolleejjiin keenyag a’eeleencaa taphateef beekamtii guddaan kennameefii jira.
“IspoortiinHundaaf Hundi Ispoortiif”
It is obvious that Ambo Global College has been sponsoring Ambo Hachalu Hundessa FC so far by providing them with Sports wears, T-shirt& Balls annually. Besides these, our college was on their side by sponsoring them with meals, water &all things that were important for them during the Ambo Town Health Foot Ball Club Champion held on December3, 2023 in Ambo town.
The competition of Health Foot Ball Clubs started on August13, 2023 G.C having 12 Foot Ball Clubs. The competition that was started in August13, 2023 G.C by participating 12 Foot Ball Clubs was finalized today December3, 2023 G.C. The two clubs Hachalu Hundessa FC & Ambo 04 that reached to the final game played for the cup and Hachalu Hundessa FC won 2-0 and got the cup of the year. Therefore, our college is felt with immense happiness for this!
Ambo Town FC has been awarded a cup for fair play or the good behaviour they have showed during the competition seasons.
The closing program of the cup game was warmly happened at the presence of Mr. Achalu Gemechu the Mayor of Ambo town, various invited guests and Foot Ball fans.
Mr. Mo’era Dagnacho, Sports and Youth administration of Ambo town said that Sport is for healthy and love. Besides, he said that we have to encourage the games which were played by the clubs so far because it will be motivating force for the future generations.
Finally, recognitions were given to all the bodies that played great roles for the successfulness of the program and our college has got great recognition from the mayor of Ambo town and Sports and Youth administration of Ambo town for the lion share we have been contributing.
“Sport is for all and all are for Sport”

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- Environmental Responsibility
- Ethical Responsibility
- Philanthropic Responsibility
- Economic Responsibility
- The Benefits of CSR